Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Shari'ah - A lifestyle
(Post 4 - Final Post)

This is the final post on Shari'ah - A lifestyle. Previously mentioned were the first three of five sections that contribute to making up Islam.

  • Aqaaid (Belief)
  • A'maal (actions)
  • Mu'aamalaat (transactions)
  • Akhlaaq (moral character)
  • Husn-e-Mu'aashirat (social conduct)

    Insha-Allah, as the final two are greatly connected, they will be mentioned in this post.

    "The best of you are those who have the most excellent morals.
    [Sahih al-Bukhari]

    These are the words of our Beloved Prophet, Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam; words that clearly state to us that good morals and good manners are the real test of a man's excellence. A man's relation with his fellow beings is just as important as his relation to Allah Himself.

    Time and again, the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam would advice his beloved Companions of the manners and etiquettes of social conduct and the importance of a good moral character.

    To gather all the vast advises and teachings of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam on this topic would be difficult and time consuming. However, following will be mentioned a few points which will highlight some of the problems that we face in society today. I pray to Allah that this first step will aid one in improving his character and social conduct. Aameen.

    Problem One: Severing Ties & Tark-e-Kalaam

    One of the major problems that faces society today is the Renunciation of Talking to one another (Tark-e-Kalaam) and Severing ties (Qat'a Ta'alluq).

    This problem faces many in social gatherings as well as the home and has been completely condemned by our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam.

    The Qur'an has mentioned one of the qualities of a true believer as being "humble toward the Believers." [5:57]. In the same manner our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam has said:

    "It is not permissible for a Muslim to keep apart from his brother for more than three days..."
    [Sunan Abi Daud

    Our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam has told us that we should not severe ties or refrain from talking to our brothers for more than three days, instead, we should be the one's to initiate the talk and aim to create a tie between one another.

    The problem we face today is that we expect the opposite party to initiate and be the one that starts. The result of which is that neither party begins and over time one loses the feeling for the opposite person as well as the courage to initiate. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam has said:

    "He is not (regarded) the upholder of ties who (upholds ties) in return (ie. He keeps good relation because the opposite party is also good towards him). But instead the upholder of ties is he who when ties are cut with him he joins them".

    As a final point on this problem, we need to remember that we cannot reach the peak of our belief nor can we be classed as perfect in our faith until we be become the best in conduct.

    Abu Hurayra Radhi Allahu Anhu has reported that the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam has said:

    "Amongst the believers, the most perfect in faith is the best in conduct; and the best of you are those who are best to their families."
    [Sunan Abi Daud & Sunan at-Tirmidhi]

    Problem One: Sins of the Tongue

    On one side there is a problem of people cutting ties and not talking to one another and on the other side we face the problem of excessive talking and sins of the tongue; back biting, false accusations, indecent talks, futile talks, foul language, false oaths, lying, deception, cursing and taunting are to name just a few.

    Islam has emphasised the sins of the tongue to such a degree that our Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam has guaranteed paradise for such a person who can give guarantee to safeguard that which is between his jaws (ie. his tongue) and that which is between his legs (ie. his private parts, referring to his sexual desires).

    Sahl Radhi Allahu Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu said:

    "Whosoever guards what is between his jaws and legs, I will guarantee him paradise."
    [Sahih al-Bukhari & Muslim]

    Many a times a small matter turns into something much greater only due to the words that are used or the manner in which one speaks. The harms of the tongue are such that every morning the body warns the tongue to stay in control.

    Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri Radhi Allahu Anhu that the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said,

    "The son of Adam wakes up and the whole body warns his tongue by saying, 'Fear Allah concerning us for indeed we are upon you so if you are upright then we will be upright and if you are corrupt then we will be corrupt'"
    [Sunan at-Tirmidhi]

    The sins of the tongue are countless and so are the Ahadeeth that discuss them. My aim is not to introduce all those Ahadeeth nor to prove each point. The aim is to merely create an awareness of the problems that are being faced by this society in through the harms of the tongue and other immoral and un-Islamic acts.

    Insha-Allah, if time an opportunity allows it I will continue to highlight demoralising points in our society.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that the on the day of Judgement there will be three types of people and their deeds:

    1. People who have rejected Allah. Allah will not forgive such people nor cleanse them.

    2. People who have disobeyed Allah in acts that concern Him and His bondsmen. It is under Allah's discretion whether He will cleanse them through punishment or whether he will forgive them.

    3. People who havhaveve disobeyed Allah in act concerning His bondsmen. Such people will have to repay those people whose rights he did not fulfill. People will be asked to give their rewards to make up for flaws in the rights of the people. When and if the rewards of the person finish then the person will be made to bear the sins of the person whose rights he flawed in. May Allah save us all. Aameen.

    We should stay away from the misconception that these rights are only for our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters; in actual fact, these rights are for every single being and we are asked to treat everyone in accordance to the teachings of the Shari'ah.

    Furthermore, the rights of certain people are more than others. Those people who keep constant contact with us have rights that should be considered as very important. Some of these people are mentioned below:

    1. Family & Friends (Parents/Children/Siblings/Spouse/Relatives/In-Laws etc).
    2. Neighbours (House Neighbours/People in our Area/Neighbours of our Work Place etc.)
    3. Teachers (School Teachers/Religious Teachers etc.)
    4. People of Status (Scholars of all Religions/Local Authorities etc.)
    5. Elders & Youngsters (Related or non-Related)
    6. Work colleagues/Clients
    7. Friends/Fellow Students
    8. Gatherings (People that we meet in Gatherings or Groups)
    9. People in Public

    and many more...

    It should be remembered that nothing should be done to hurt the feelings of people, be it deliberate or as a joke. Every person has some sort of right over another and therefore one should stay alert in order to ensure that the rights of non are taken.

    May Allah make it easy for us to understand the religion of Islam, its teachings, its aims and thereafter give us the ability as well as the inclination to follow that which the Islamic Law teaches us. Aameen.