Sunday, November 06, 2005

A Short Break...

As Salaamu Alaykum,

Just a short notice to all the readers. Insha Allah, I am leaving to go abroad today for about a month. Therefore, I doubt I will be able to post during my travels.

Some people already know the purpose of my travels and others are probably totally unaware. Insha Allah, I will be aiming to "complete half of my Imaan" and I request each and every reader to keep me in their Duas and make extra special Dua for me that Allah makes me successful and makes everything easy and that this can be a new beginning in the long stretch of efforts in pleasing Allah. Aameen.

I will be keeping everyone of you in my Duas and I hope that I have loads to write once I return from my trip.

Jazakallah for all the support and encouraging comments.


Thursday, November 03, 2005


EID MUBAARAK to all the readers. May Allah make this day speacial and blessed for each and everyone. May He help all of us share in the joy of our friends and family.

May He accept our deeds during the month of Ramadhan and show us the sign of this acceptance by keeping us steadfast during the months to come. Aameen.

Please do remember me in your Duas and specially those people who are less fortunate than we are at this moment in time, keep them in your Duas and prayers and let us pray that Allah showers His mercy upon them so that they we can united in sharing the joy of Eid. Aameen.
