Saturday, July 31, 2004


As Salaamu Alaykum,

As mentioned in the previous post, this blog is still "under construction". However, I will soon be posting some topics.

The topics that will soon be posted will be:

1. Islam and Marriage...
2. Actions... a form of worship or show?

Insha-Allah, once I have overcome a few personal duties, and some business matter I will be working on one of the above two topics.

I make a humble request from all readers to remember me in their Dua's.


Thursday, July 29, 2004


As Salaamu Alaykum,

First of all Jazakallah for visiting this blog... I hope that you will visit frequently. As you can see I have kept the layout of this site similar to
my more 'personal' blog page...

This page is still currently under construction, but please feel free to put in your comments and ideas as to what the site should include and what changes can be made...

This site belongs to all those people who wish to learn about Islam... So all your comments and ideas are more than welcome, moreover, appreciated.

Gradually, the site will be going through some changes, but to begin with i hope to include some commentary & explanation of Ahadeeth along with current issues affecting the Muslim community...

I look forward to hearing to hearing your Views and hope that you will remember me in your Dua's.
